Peanut Butter & Chocolate "Green" Smoothie | Recipe


Dessert for breakfast?  With this delicious Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie, you can have the taste of a decadent dessert while also adding a jump start your day with tons of nutrients!   Loaded with fruits and veggies, this green smoothie looks anything but green. Perfect for kids, picky eaters and health-nuts alike!  Don't let the massive amount of produce that is packed into this recipe fool you - the end result tastes just like a smooth, chocolate-y peanut butter shake.  My daughter and I enjoy one every day and she loves it!  Just blend together the ingredients listed below until smooth and creamy, adding the peanut butter last. The key to this smoothie is using a high-power blender, like a Vitamix or a Nutri-Bullet.  (Regular blenders won't cut it - you'll be left with a chunky shake instead of a smooth, creamy blend.)   You'll feel good knowing you loaded up on several servings of your fruits and veggies for the day.  Not to mention the energy you'll have to kick start your morning!  Enjoy!  

5-7 slices of frozen peaches or whole strawberries
small handful of blueberries
small handful of raspberries (optional)
large handful of spinach (about 1 cup)
large piece of kale
1 cup Silk Chocolate Soymilk (or more as needed)
1-2 heaping tablespoons of Natural Peanut Butter

Blend all of the ingredients together until smooth except for the peanut butter.  Once everything is blended together, open the blender and add your desired amount of peanut butter.  Allow the blender to whirl the peanut butter into the rest of the smoothie for about 20-30 seconds and serve.  

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the mighty apple



Need a quick pick-me-up?  Looking for a fast, convenient snack on-the-go?  Reach for an apple!  Packed with powerful nutrients and healthy fiber, these savory little treats will satisfy your hunger and your sweet tooth.  As a child, my mom would always have a drawer full of apples in the refrigerator as the perfect afternoon or evening snack.  To this day, everyone in my family grabs an apple if they're looking for something to munch on between meals.  Establish a healthy home and healthy snacks from day one in your children's lives and you'll set them up for a lifetime of success in making the best choices for their nutrition. Not to mention, September is National Apple Month.  And so is October.  And November.  (In 1904, National Apple week was founded.  The event has since spread across the season of the apple harvest and runs from September through November each year.)  See, apples are so awesome that they merit receiving recognition not one, but 3 months out of the year! ;) The benefits of apples are numerous.  Here are just a few of their mighty health benefits:

Brain Boost:  Apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin which has been found to protect neurons against free radical damage.  In one study, apple juice improved behavior and mood in Alzheimer's patients. 

Heart Health:  Eating an apple a day may protect against heart disease and lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol. 

Lower Blood Pressure:  People who eat apples are more likely to have lower blood pressure (and trimmer waists!).  

Cancer Prevention:  Quercetin has been linked to hindering the growth of cancer; daily apple consumption helps protect against colorectal cancer.  

Breath Easier:  Moms, check this out - children of apple-eating moms were less likely to show signs of asthma at age five.  Apples are rich in fiber and flavonoids, which may reduce respiratory symptoms.  

When it comes to selecting apples, always go for organic.  Leave the pesticides of conventional produce behind, as the skin of apples contain many beneficial nutrients.  Enjoy an apple every day - they may just be one of God's perfect, portable snack foods!  

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happy fall!

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, 
cold and heat, summer and winter, 
day and night, shall not cease.”  
- Genesis 8:22

Tomato Basil Pesto Pasta | Recipe

This dish became a fast favorite in our household.  Meat-free and dairy-free, it is delicious, healthy, and super-easy to prepare. Ok, so I realize that I may have lost a few of you at the mention that this pasta is void of both meat and dairy.  But, it is so savory and full of flavor that you won't even notice!  My husband has been an avid carnivore his entire life - and a self-proclaimed picky eater - and he loves it!   Combining several Tomato Basil Pesto recipes resulted in the creation of this one, so it is packed full of the best cancer-fighting, heart-healthy ingredients. Here's a breakdown of its many exceptional health benefits:

Basil: promotes heart health, advances healthy skin, prevents several types of cancer, and boosts the immune system.
Tomatoes: contain lycopene, vitamin C, folate, and potassium; can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration
Walnuts: rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; contain a powerhouse of antioxidants, protein, fiber, magnesium, and phosphorous.
Olive Oil: helps lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, decreases the risk of cancer and can help cognitive function
Nutritional Yeast:  full of vitamins (especially B-complex), contains essential amino acids, and is an excellent source of protein.
Pine Nuts:  high in vitamins E and K, manganese, zinc, iron, and magnesium, they provide essential nutrients to strengthen both the cardiovascular and immune systems.  

For the recipe you'll need: 
- 1 cup fresh organic basil leaves
- 7-8 sundried tomatoes, packed in olive oil
- 2 cloves of organic garlic
- 1/3 cup organic walnuts
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (Bragg's brand)
- 3-4 tbsp organic extra-virgin olive oil
- 1-2 tbsp water, as needed (or more olive oil, as needed)
- salt, to taste

- your desired amount of cooked pasta
- 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted 

In a food processor that is turned on, add the garlic cloves and chop finely. Now add the basil and continue to process until finely chopped. Pour in the olive oil, then add the sundried tomatoes and nutritional yeast.  Combine until smooth. With the food processor still running, pulse in the walnuts. Add more olive oil or water to maintain a smooth consistency, if needed.  Sprinkle in a dash of salt, if desired.  Once combined, pour the pesto over your desired amount of cooked pasta and mix well. Toss in the toasted pine nuts and serve.  

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party! | celebrating emmy

Is there anything more fun than a child's birthday party?  During the spring we celebrated our daughter's 1st, but with the super busy summer we've had it it wasn't until recently that I had a chance to catch my breath for a bit and enjoy going through some of the pictures from her party.  Birthdays are always fun occasions to celebrate, regardless of how old one is.  Each day, season, and year of our lives truly is a gift from God.  If we are here today, we have a purpose and God has a plan for us.  Don't miss His plan for you.  Every day is reason to celebrate - enjoy yours!

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national dog day

It's time to celebrate your furry friends!  As any dog lover knows, they are one of the most loving, protective, and loyal pets known to man.  So, today is your day - National Dog Day!  

Founded in 2004, National Dog Day is celebrated to recognize not only family dogs, but also the multitude of dogs who need to be rescued and those whose lives are committed to service that keeps us safe.  Did you know that countless dogs put their lives on the line for us every day?  With a propensity for selflessly protecting, even if it risks their own lives, each day dogs serve beside law enforcement officers, as military war dogs alongside our armed forces, safely guiding a blind companion or a child who is disabled, and as rescuers of victims who have experienced a tragedy.   

Pictured above is Sadie.  She was rescued several years ago after being abandoned.  I found her along a busy road gnawing on some scraps of food that had been thrown out.  (So very sad!) Upon realizing that she was only receiving temporary care from a family that was not in a position to provide her with a permanent home, I quickly scooped her up and took her in as ours.  I thank God every day for the blessing she is to us. Invariably loyal, unconditionally loving, and ever so sweet, Sadie and her gentle nature are an endless joy.  

If you are looking for a companion of your own who will be forever grateful to you (and you're ready for the responsibility), take a look at or Recycled Doggies, if you're in the Cincinnati area.

Click here for the official National Dog Day website or here to follow their Facebook page.

Learn more about the dogs in military service at US War Dogs.

And if you already have a devoted dog companion of your own, enjoy today as a celebration of the many ways they enrich your own life.

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freshly pressed watermelon juice

The last days of summer may be upon us, but cooling off in this warm weather still merits a glass of refreshing, crisp watermelon juice.  The best kind?  Fresh-pressed.  Juicing provides a myriad of health benefits (as a supplement to nutritionally sound meals).  If you don't already own a juicer, consider it an investment in your health.  By extracting the nutrients from vegetables and fruits, juicing allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients like a sponge while consuming an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner.  Among its copious benefits, juicing helps to lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, provide increased energy, and hydrate the skin.  If you are new to juicing, Watermelon Juice would be a palatable start.  Light, sweet, and refreshing, this recipe is simple and super easy.  Just add chunks of watermelon to your juicer along with fresh lemon, to taste.  Serve in chilled glasses and enjoy!

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entering the harbor

This verse is beautiful. It is so saturated with significance and meaning that it begs to be unpacked.  In full context it reads: 

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.  He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek."

Who needs a priest?  We all do.  God is an awesome and holy God.  As sinful humans we cannot approach God directly.  (The word sin, in Greek, literally means to "miss the mark". We all miss the mark of holiness.)  We need a mediator - a priest - to bring us to God.  

In the book of Hebrews, the writer identified Jesus Christ as the the priest his readers needed.   The readers knew their Jewish history and religion:  God had appointed Aaron as the first high priest because their ancestors could not approach a holy God to make offerings on their own.  As sinners, they benefited spiritually by having an intermediary.  It appears that some Jews at the time had begun to feel hesitant about leaving this familiar religious system.  By explaining the work of Christ, the author of Hebrews sought to reassure them.  Building on their understanding of the Old Testament preisthood, the writer expressed the good news that they need not return to the old ways since Jesus is the one true high priest.  The parallels between Jesus Christ and the Old Testament high priest are unmistakable.  It was only the high priest who could enter the Holy of Holies and he could only enter once a year, on the Day of Atonement.  Prior to entering, he had to offer a blood sacrifice on behalf of himself and the people.  Christ offered His own blood to atone for our sins. He then entered the inner sanctuary behind the curtain on behalf of us all.  Christ Himself is the ultimate and final sacrifice needed to cover us and usher us into the presence of God.  

In the verse above, the writer combines two vivid word pictures to illustrate what Jesus did.  The Old Testament priest entering the inner sanctuary on behalf of the people is the most familiar.  The second illustration depicts a ship nearing port, unable to sail into the harbor due to rough water, low tide, or thick fog.  An anchor's purpose on a small boat was critical for its safe arrival.  It allowed the ship to hold steady or assiduously winch its way safely through the tumultuous circumstances and into the port.  Likewise, Jesus entered the harbor before us.  He is our anchor of hope, ushering us into God's presence.  

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luxe & lily

Why Luxe & Lily?

The very essence of the word "luxe" embodies a sense of lavish excess.  By definition, it is that which is "elegantly sumptuous; a luxury" and its word origin literally means "extravagance".  For a word that exemplifies such grandiose and lofty expectations, to what - or who - could such a description be aptly applied?  Perhaps to live in a state of luxe does not have to be limited by the physical confines of our comforts or current circumstances.  Just maybe it could reach beyond the realm of our finite existence, while simultaneously enveloping us in the here and now.   

Luxe, in fact, decorously describes my Savior.  His love is all-consuming, never-ending, and so perfect that it is lavish.    His grace is so necessary, generous and unmerited that it is extravagant.  And His goodness is so rich that it makes living every day with Him nothing short of luxe.  

This very love of Christ's is transforming.  And it is within His transforming love that the word "lily" gains its significance.  In the Bible, several references are made to the delicate, beautiful and sweetly fragrant flowers, lily and lily of the valley.  In the New Testament, Jesus uses the lilies to represent the simplicity, purity, and effortless glory of the saints - those who have accepted Him into their hearts as their Savior.  The lily of the valley represents us, conformed into His image as a result of His transformational love and grace.  Our "liliness", if we have it - any beauty and sweetness - comes from Christ or not at all.

With a love like His, how could we live our lives content with ordinary thoughts and mediocre pursuits?  If we allow His rich love and mercy to permeate every crevice of our being, filling our lives with His unmatched goodness, we can rest securely in the only state of luxe worth living within - His.  And within His love it is possible that this life - regardless of our circumstances or station - can be luxuriously sweet.

Let's walk in the extravagant love Christ offers us, embracing the richness of His goodness.

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